Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I spent an hour on the beach at midnight a few weeks ago, gazing at the biggest and brightest full moon. It rose over the ocean, shining on the waves like quicksilver, so bright I could see my shadow.

Other people were out there – my fellow night owls drawn to bask in moonlight - walking beside calm low tide waves. With my mind adrift, I almost forgot that all the morning people were sleeping. They were missing an amazing moon!

I’ve come to accept that most people are morning people. That’s okay. Based on the several dozen sunrises I’ve seen (admittedly, about a dozen of those after pulling all-nighters), I understand the appeal of songbirds and dewy grass. Early morning has a different though equally beautiful rhythm and freshness.

But I’ve always relished the dark and quiet post-midnight hours.

I just love to stay up late.

That night on the beach, spellbound by the moon, I thought about life and dreams, time and how to spend it, what matters and what should matter. And then it dawned on me (no pun intended) – it doesn’t matter what time of day we each favor so long as we find time to pursue our dreams. Whether middle day or middle night, sunrise or sunset, we each have a favorite time when the rest of the world seems fast asleep. A time when we sit and unwind, or we focus and create, or we exercise and practice...until we become who we want to be.

I know talk of dreams often sounds idealistic and warm-fuzzy (try to ignore the little cynic on your shoulder). This isn’t a new concept. But we all need reminding that our dreams are out there and worth our time.

So, here’s a reminder.

Find your time. Live your dream.

The full moon reminded me of how best to work toward my dream…

I’ll be moonlighting!

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