Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Land of Four

We’re all familiar with the mysterious disappearance of one sock from the dryer. Where does it go? How is one missing sock a universal happening? Somewhere far, far away there must be a bunch of single socks running around wild and free in sock land.

Well, I recently discovered a new land: The Land of Four.

I came upon this new land very much by accident. I was simply setting up a magnetic alphabet & numbers set on the refrigerator. Letters A through Z were lining up nicely. Beneath them, numbers zero through – hey, wait a minute, where is number four? And that’s when it hit me. Number four had done what so many socks before it had done -- split, disappeared, vanished without a trace.

Somewhere (probably over a rainbow) was a land where number four frolicked in fields with other disenchanted toys. They were all toys that grew tired of the same old routine – life as a magnet stuck on the freezer door, life as a passing piece of entertainment for toddlers with short attention spans. So they got out. But I was on to them.

It wasn’t only the number four that made a hasty escape from our house. I noticed other toys missing – a plastic spoon from Taylor’s tea set, an orange toy fish from the bathtub. I couldn’t find them anywhere. Which toy would be next? Where was this black hole of a toy land?

More than a week has passed since the toys went missing. I still look around for them, but I know they’re gone. Alas, I haven’t given up my search for The Land of Four. When I find it, I’ll be sure to post directions. That way, all of us can find the toys that got away.

Then again, if it’s a really fun place (which I suspect it is since it’s full of toys), I may just stay there and play for a while!

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